Thank you for being here.

Doodle depicting two friends greeting one another

I've created as an outlet for my thoughts, experiences, and research.

I choose to share myself via a website rather than via a social platform, for I get to maintain a much greater degree of creative expression.

I love life, and I want to be understood. And so I'd like to show you how I view our world.

I hope you have fun while you're here. I've tried to keep everything simple.

If I can help you create a digital something of your own, please do message me.1

I stumble 🦧

With my content, I try to remain as objective, factual, and candid as possible. If I do lapse, as I often do, or if you feel the need to speak to me about something, I can be contacted by email at

The site is structured as follows πŸ—οΈ

For desktop πŸ–₯️

  • Explore the various sections available via the navigation bar at the top πŸ‘†.
  • Browse section specific content via the sidebar on the left πŸ‘ˆ.

For handhelds πŸ“±

  • Explore the various sections at the bottom of the sidebar πŸ‘‡.
  • Browse section specific content at the top of the sidebar πŸ‘†.

1 For free. You can email me at